The company Kabel.RF .

9/1, B. Savvinskii pereulok, Moscow 119435, Russia
Phone number:
+7 (495) 646-08-58, +7 (800) 333-11-48
Website :

The company Kabel.RF is not only the leading expert in the cable industry, but also one of the top distributors of cable and electrical products in the Russia market. There are more than 100,000 items in our business directory that allow the clients to make the right decision. Kabel RF distributes cable products from warehouses located on the territory of Russia. When you order our products, we will provide all the nessesary certificates and documents about the product`s quality.
Kabel.RF: We follow new trends in the cable industry and electrical engineering and we have promised to provide our customers with the best products and excellent service!

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