Pipe Company 7 Diameters LLC. Stand Каталог

- Address:
- 34/3, Berzarina ul., Moscow 123060, Russia
- Phone number:
- +7 (495) 150-41-17, +7 (800) 707-50-17
- Website :
- https://pipe7d.ru
- Email:
Pipe Company «7 Diameters» is a reliable supplier of rolled metal and pipe products. We supply to construction, oil, metalworking companies, chemical and mining enterprises:
- Electric-welded steel pipes of diameters from 57 to 1620 mm. according to GOST 10705, 10706, 20295;
- Pipes and shaped products in insolation: VUS (very reinforced), PU foam and sand-cement;
- Water and gas, shaped and seamless pipes;
- Connecting elements of pipelines;
- Rolled section and sheet steel and other rolled metal products if requested by the customer.
Pipe Company « Diameters» guarantees the quality of products, saving time and money, meeting deadlines, individual approach to the customer. Thank you for your attention and hope for further cooperation!