aCompany Name | Stand |
A GRUPP | 2D18 |
ABC Farben | 3B21 |
Additive Technologies, Journal | 3C36 |
ALD Vacuum Technologies GmbH | 3C20 |
Alfa-Metall | 1E08 |
Aluminium International Today | 1C02, 3C16 |
AMR | 1D04 |
ANTEC | 3D25 |
Artom | 3B34 |
Ashinskiy Metallurgical Works | 1F09 |
bCompany Name | Stand |
BERVEL | 1D24 |
BMSTU | 2F29 |
BORA Trade House | 3D32 |
Bosio | 3D15 |
BPTiM | 1D11 |
Brаnd Service | 1E20 |
BSK STEEL | 1D06 |
Bulletin of Industry, Publishing House | 1E24 |
Business of Russia | 1C02, 3C16 |
Business Online | 3C33 |
Business Stolitsy | 1C02, 3C16 |
BusinessOrbit | 3D09 |
Byelorussian Steel Works | 2D07 |
cCompany Name | Stand |
Camelot Publishiung | 1E18 |
CCS Services | 3C04 |
Centravis Sales Rus | 1C05 |
Chameleon | 1D19 |
ChelPipe Group | 2B22 |
ChelPipe Warehousing | 2B22 |
Chermetinformatsiya | 1C02, 3C16 |
Chernye metally, magazine | 1B19 |
Chief Engineer, Journal | 1C02, 3C16 |
Chief Mechanic, Journal | 1C02, 3C16 |
China Fastener Info | |
CMK | 1F19 |
CMK | 1D01 |
Concrete Technologies | 1B16 |
Construction Materials, Equipment and Technologies of the XXI Century | 1B16 |
Construction: New Technologies - New Equipment, Journal | 1C02, 3C16 |
dCompany Name | Stand |
Datana | 2F17 |
DEPO | 2D32 |
DIMET Magnetix | 3B23 |
DiPOS | |
Dneprotyazhmash | 3C06 |
eCompany Name | Stand |
Ekaterinburg Metallurgical Company | 1E14 |
Electric Engineering Market, Journal | 1C02, 3C16 |
ELECTROSTAL Metallurgical Plant | 2C08 |
Equipment and Tools for Professionals | 1C02, 3C16 |
Equipment. Engineering Developments. Technology | 1C02, 3C16 |
Esfarayen Industrial Complex | 1C01 |
Eurasian Metals | 2D28 |
Europack | 3D10 |
European Steel Company | |
Exima Pro | 3C23 |
Expert South | 1C02, 3C16 |
Export Support Center of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) | 1D25 |
fCompany Name | Stand |
Fagor Arrasate | 3B26 |
Fasteners, Adhesives, Tools and…, Magazine | 1C02, 3C16 |
FINGO | 3A15 |
FOERSTER Group | |
Forward Steel Structures Plant | 3A29 |
Foundation for Development of Tube Industry | |
Foundryman's Library, Journal | 1C02, 3C16 |
gCompany Name | Stand |
Galion Trading House | 1E15 |
Gas Industry | 1E18 |
Gatchina Steel Works | 1C09 |
Gauss Magneti | 3D25 |
General Manager, Journal | 1C02, 3C16 |
GK 22 VEK | 3D25 |
Grankom |
iCompany Name | Stand |
I Machine Technologies | 3B15 |
i3D Integration NPO | |
ImportTehSnab | 3B24 |
Industrial bulletin | 1C02, 3C16 |
Industrial Bulletin | 1E16 |
Industrial Metallurgical Holding | |
Industrial Regions of Russia, Journal | 1C02, 3C16 |
Information agency “INFOLine” | |
Interregional Industry and Trade, magazine | 1E24 |
Interstate Association Titan | |
Intervesp-M | 3D34 |
Intex | 1F06 |
Invent | |
Iron & Steel Industry Bulletin | 1C02, 3C16 |
Izhevsk Hardware Plant | 2F25 |
kCompany Name | Stand |
Kabel.RF | |
KMZ Izhora-Metal | 2E07 | | 1C02, 3C16 |
Kompozit XXI Century | 1B16 |
Kontinental | 1F11 |
KONUS, Hot-dip Galvanizing | |
KRAM | |
KZTS, PJSC | 3C32 |
lCompany Name | Stand |
Lechler | 3C14 |
Linga DT | 1C01 |
Lipetsk Machine Tool Factory | 3A29 |
Liteinoye Proizvodstvo | 1C02, 3C16 |
Litmashpribor | 3B31 |
mCompany Name | Stand |
---|---| | |
Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works | 2C10 |
Magnitogorsk Plant of Rolling Rolls | 2C10 |
Mashtechnica | 3A17 | | 1D17 |
Media-Business, Publishing House | 1C02, 3C16 |
MegaRex | 3B01 |
Melytec | 3B07 |
MEP | 3C24 |
Metal Expert | 1E20 |
Metal Supply & Sales | 1A10 |
Metal-Courier | 1E20 |
Metal-Expo | 2F01, 3B20 |
Metallinvest, IC | 1C18 |
MetallTrade Magazine | 2C24 |
Metallurg | 3C29 |
Metallurg Magazine | 2D24 |
Metallurgical Bulletin | 1B10 |
Metallurgmash | 3B12 |
Metallurgy of Heavy Industry | 1C02, 3C16 |
MetalRussia | 1E03 |
MetalTorg.Ru | 3C33 |
METChIV | 1C23 |
Metinvest Eurasia | 2B11 |
Metmash | 1C26 |
Metprom-Ural PKF | 1C11 |
MISIS | 2B05 |
MMK Trading Company | 2C10 |
MMK-Lysva Metallurgical Plant | 2C10 |
MMK-METIZ | 1F20 |
Modern Methods of Technical Diagnostics and Nondestructive Testing of Parts and Assemblies, Journal | 1C02, 3C16 |
Monsteelcon | 1A14 |
Moscow Interregional Association of Chief Welders | 2C28 |
Motovilikha - Civil Engineering Company | 1C10 |
MRK | |
Mzenskprokat | 2F11 |
nCompany Name | Stand |
Neftegaz.RU | 1C02, 3C16 |
Negrini | 3D25 |
NLMK Group | 2B10 |
Novostal-M | 2F07 |
The National Association of Subsoil Expertise | 1C02, 3C16 |
oCompany Name | Stand |
Obninsk Steel Project | 3D24 |
Ogneupor | 2C10 |
Oil and Gas Vertical | 1C02, 3C16 |
OMCD Group | 3A27 |
Ore and Metals | 1B19 |
pCompany Name | Stand |
Panorama, Publishing House | 1C02, 3C16 |
Parallel | |
Pervouralsk Pipe Plant | 2B22 |
Precise Power Group | 3D30 |
Promimpex | 1C15 |
Prominvest | 3A19 |
Publishing House Engineer and Industrialist | 1C02, 3C16 |
Pumori-North-West | 3B06 |
W. Pilling Riepe | 1A16 |
qCompany Name | Stand |
TD Kvarta-Steel, ltd | 1F07 |
rCompany Name | Stand |
RBI Concept | 1D12 |
Red Bud Industries | 3A16 |
Red October Group of Companies | 2B18 |
Refmet | 1C20 |
Refractories Window | 1C02, 3C16 |
Refractory Materials and Technical Ceramics, journal | 1C02, 3C16 |
Refrind | 3D25 |
Regional Trade-Industrial Company | 1D14 |
RHYTHM of Machinery | 3C36 |
RM-steel | 1D10 |
Romek NN | 3D04 |
Roofing and Insulating Materials | 1B16 |
Rosmetalloprokat | 1E05 |
Rostehkom | 1B01 |
RSP expert, magazine | 1C02, 3C16 |
RT-Techpriemka | |
Ru.Cranes | 3A24 |
Ruscana Engineering | 3A14 |
Ruspolymet | |
Russian Engineering Union | |
Russian Forgers Union | 1E25 |
Russian Union of Metal and Steel Suppliers | 1A08 |
Ryaztsvetmet | 1C24 |
sCompany Name | Stand |
Samson | 2F11 |
Sasta, Machine Building Factory | 1B12 |
SERAM | 3B16 |
Service Center VP | 2E16 |
Service Metal Center Kostroma | 2F39 |
Seven Refractories | 2F19 |
Severstal | 2D10 |
Severstal-Metiz | 1A06 |
Shlakservice | 2C10 |
Siberian Industrial Holding | 2B15 |
SIBRE Siegerland Bremsen | 3A08 |
Sidermag | 3C31 |
Sistem Makina Industrial Furnaces | 3D35 |
Slingofer | 3D25 |
Special Steels and Alloys | 1A05 |
Spectral Laboratory | 3C38 |
Spectrosoft | 3D16 |
SPK GROUP | 3D33 |
SportAkademReklama | 1C02, 3C16 |
Spraylab RU Holding | 3D19 |
Spring World | 1C02, 3C16 |
Stal’, Journal | 1C02, 3C16 |
StalSistema | 1C09 |
Stankoinstrument | 1C02, 3C16 |
State University of Management | 1E09 |
Steel Construction Development Association | 1F14 |
Steel Times International | 1C02, 3C16 |
SteelProm | 3A07 |
STP - Lipetsk Machine Tool Factory | 3A29 |
Stroitelnaya Orbita | 1C02, 3C16 |
Supplier's Directory | 1D17 |
tCompany Name | Stand |
LLC, magazine | 1C02, 3C16 |
Taganrog Foundry | 2B24 |
Techno Tube | 1A05 |
TechnoPack | 3A19 |
Technosvar KS | 3B19 |
Tehnostil kolor premuym | 1B07 |
Tehsovet Premium | 1C02, 3C16 |
TekhNADZOR, Magazine | 1C02, 3C16 |
TekMak Global Makine San. ve Tic. | 3C12 |
Terex Deutschland | 3A25 |
Territory Neftegaz | 1E18 |
TMK | 2C22 |
Tochinvest Zinc | 1D18 |
Tochka Opory, Magazine | 1C02, 3C16 |
Trading Company Expert-Cable | 2F11 |
Tsvetmetobrabotka | 3C15 |
Tsvetnye metally, magazine | 1B19 |
Tula-Steel Trading House | |
Tyazhpressmash | 3C19 |
uCompany Name | Stand |
Unigen Steel Engineering | |
United Metallurgical Company | 2B04 |
Urals Metalprocessing Company | 2F21 |
Uraltrubprom | 2C18 |
USC | 2C10 |
vCompany Name | Stand |
SME Vulkan-TM | 1C12 |
Vacuum Metallurgy Factory | |
Vernet Behringer | |
Vestnik of the Railway Research Institute, Journal | 1C02, 3C16 |
Vestnik Promyshlennosty, Newspaper | 1E24 |
VOMZ, JSC | 3C26 |
Vorsmensky Knife | 3A28 |
VPO Steel | 1E11 |
VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation | 1D05 |
Vtorichnye Metally | 1C02, 3C16 |
Vtorresurs | 2F15 |
Vyksa casting plant |
wCompany Name | Stand |
WA Kurgan | 1A24 |
Weber Bauer | 3A20 |
Weber Comechanics | 3A16 |
Wheel Blast Tehnology | 3B17 |
zCompany Name | Stand |
NCP "ZDC" | 1A16 |
Zias Machinery | 2E10 |
Zinker | 1E10 |
Zircoa-RUS | 3D31 |
Zlatoust Metallurgical Works | 1C06 |
Zlatoust Special Armory Steels Works | 3B28 |