Business Russia: Industry, Transport, Social Life, The Federal Magazine. Stand 84A10

Office 313, 22, Karla Libknekhta ul., Ekaterinburg 620075, Russia
Phone number:
+7 (343) 237-23-74
Website :

Federal magazine «Business Russia: industry, transport, social life» covers a broad range of economic and social issues. It is an information platform for active and successful participants of the market, offering innovative solutions to pressing business problems. Among all Russian magazines «Business Russia: industry, transport, social life» is distinguished by logically structured system, stylish design, high level of journalism. Among our readers are managers of Russian companies and enterprises of mechanical engineering, metallurgy, oil and gas, power generation, transport, construction, chemical and petrochemical industries, telecommunications, banking, insurance, financial sector, heads of power structures.
Magazine «Business Russia: industry, transport, social life» is published with circulation of 20 000 copies distributed directly by mail and represented at specialized exhibitions.

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