MMK-Lysva Metallurgical Plant LLC. Stand 21B07

1, Metallistov ul., Lysva, the Perm region 618900, Russia
Phone number:
+7 (34249) 6-63-67, 6-99-77, 6-99-78
Website :

MMK-Lysva Metallurgical Plant was founded in 1785. Initially, it produced cast iron and products from it, later there were production of forged, rolled and other steel products.
Today, MMK-LMZ is the only Russian manufacturer of electrolytically galvanized steel and rolled steel products with polymer coatings based on it. The electrolytic galvanizing method allows you to precisely control the thickness of the deposited zinc layer in a wide range, create one-sided or double-sided coating, and form a differentiated thickness of the zinc coating.

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