Profil, Group of Companies.Stand

Phone number:
Тел. в Москве: (095) 283-56-89, 283-55-13, 283-19-47, 283-06-72, 283-46-06, 286-83-44, 216-69-54, 216-45-83, 216-30-86, 216-30-95, 795-20-37, 795-21-56, 746-41-09, 746-44-13, 746-06-09, 746-66-08, 746-36-25, 746-26-07, 744-42-25, 744-40-42
Website :

Теl. in St. Petersburg: +7 (812) 102-3114, 102-3115, 102-3116, 324-5335Теl. in Novosibirsk: +7 (3832) 74-8919Complex supply of enterprises with ferrous rolled products and tubular products.

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