MAGNA, Example of Evaluation of the Commitment in the Local Environment
Magnesitas Navarras, a Metal-Expo regular exhibitor, has presented the study developed to evaluate its commitment to the local environment in the event Evaluation of public policies in the social field: good governance, organized by the Observatory of Social Reality of the Government of Navarra.
During the meeting, the General Manager of MAGNA, Javier Creixell, presented the analysis developed to evaluate “their commitment to the environment in which they operate”, an analysis based on the SROI methodology (Social Return on Investment).
This initiative is part of a broader action plan for the transformation and improvement of the company in its willingness to carry out a responsible and sustainable socio-economic activity in its areas of activity. In this sense, Creixell has indicated that companies cannot be out of the needs of the society and that “transparency, dialogue and respect are the vectors of the open and honest relationship that we must maintain with our stakeholders.”
The study has been developed with the objective of knowing the social return of the actions carried out and the valuation of the agents, institutions, collaborators and employees with whom they work directly. After a brief presentation of the company and its values in which Creixell has remarked the internationalization, R&D, innovation and quality of employment as pillars of its development, Arantxa Iraizoz, consulting partner at JPI, body in charge of the analysis, has explained the methodology and process developed.
The SROI is a method that is used to calculate the extra-financial value in relation to the resources invested. In other words: the social and environmental value, which serves as the basis for decision making in the company.
As a result of the results obtained, the company will work to promote new lines of action aimed at the protection of the environment and biodiversity management, the circular economy, the promotion of knowledge and the reinforcement of participation and collaboration with its groups of interest.