13:08, 26 May 2023

NLMK Group Introduces Rolled Steel with Antibacterial Coating

NLMK Group, a Metal-Expo regular exhibitor, a global steel company, has launched a new premium product, rolled steel with antibacterial coating. First batches of the new product have been trialled successfully by NLMK partners: Grand Line and Albes Production Association.

The antibacterial coating protects the metal against harmful microorganisms and makes it perfect for interior finishing of various facilities, particularly in the food industry and healthcare. 

The composition of the coating is an NLMK know-how. It makes use of compounds of copper and silver ions that disrupt the cell membranes of bacteria and fungi. This reduces surface contamination with such organisms by practically 100%. The introduction of ions into the coating material is a key advantage of NLMK’s rolled products. Depending on the coating, the service life of pre-painted steel can be up to 25 years.

The antibacterial properties of NLMK’s rolled steel have been corroborated at all stages of process development and industrial trials. The coatings are compliant with GOST standards and have been approved by the Ministry of Health Federal Medical-Biological Agency experts.

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