10 November 2021 Wednesday

Russian Metal and Steel Market,
The 24nd International Conference

Metal Supply & Sales 
tel.: +7 (495) 734-99-22
AZIMUT Moscow Olympic Hotel

Awarding winners of contests for The Best Steel Stock, The Best Sales Network and The Best Steel Service Center in Russia

tel.: +7 (495) 925-05-49
AZIMUT Moscow Olympic Hotel

11 November 2021 Thursday

Metal-Expo’2021 working hrs

tel.: +7 (495) 734-99-66
Halls 2, 3, 8

Opening Ceremony of Metal-Expo’2021, the 27th International Industrial Exhibition

The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation / Metal-Expo 
tel.: +7 (495) 734-99-66
Blue Hall
Hall 2

Zinc for corrosion protection, The 22th Scientific and Practical Seminar

Zinc Development Center 
tel.:+7 (495) 772-07-39
Seminar room 3, hall 2

Latest solutions to add value to your coil, Seminar

Bronx Group 
tel.: (495) 795-06-39
Discussion room
hall 3

Development of Regulatory Framework for Steel Structures, roundtable

tel.:+7 (495) 744-02-63
Discussion room
hall 8

Problems and ways of development of providing the Russian ferrous industry with information, roundtable

tel.: +7 (495) 777-93-01
Meeting room,
hall 8

Development of Regulatory Framework for Steel Structures, roundtable

tel.:+7 (495) 744-02-63
Discussion room
hall 8

Additive Processes, Equipment and Solutions, Сonference

PK4 TK 375 / Novostal-M 
tel.: +7 (965) 277-21-03
Discussion room
hall 3

Meeting of Coordination Council for the Steel Industry by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation

The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation / Metal-Expo 
tel.: +7 (495) 734-99-66
By invitations only

Сhanging for Green Metallurgy. Presentation

Primetals Technologies Russia 
tel.: +7 (495) 114-55-18
Seminar room 4, hall 2

Russian Pyramid, VIP-tournament for Heads and Top-Managers of Steel Companies

tel.: +7 (495) 734-99-66
By invitations only

12 November 2021 Friday

Metal-Expo’2021 working hrs

tel.: +7 (495) 734-99-66
Halls 2, 3, 8

New Advanced Materials, Equipments and Technologies for Their Manufacture, 20th Scientific and Practical Conference

The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation / VNIIMETMASH / TsNIIChermet / Metallurgmash / TSNIITMASH 
tel.: +7 (495) 777-93-01
Meeting room,
hall 8

Latest Trends in Rational Use of Secondary Resources and Environmental Problems, conference

Seminar room 3, hall 2

Meeting of Working Group on Mastering New Types of Products and Improving Quality of Steel Products for the Automotive Industry

The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation / TsNIIChermet / AVTOVAZ / Association “Russian Steel” 
tel.: +7 (495) 777-93-01 / tel.: +7 (495) 784-69-61
Seminar room 4, hall 2

Welding, Thermal Cutting and Protective Coatings in Steel Industry and Metalworking, Scientific and Practical Conference

Chief Welders’ Association  
tel.: +7 (496) 575-30-60
Discussion room
hall 3

Reservoir Building: Problems, Solutions, Innovations, The 4d-Internatioanl Conference

tel.: +7 (925) 200-89-83
Discussion room
hall 8

Corrugated Beams: Market Structure and Trends, International Conference

tel.: +7 (925) 200-89-83
Discussion room
hall 8

Meeting of Experts' Council for Foundry and Press-Forging by the Committe for the Steel Industry and Heavy Engineering, Russian Engineering Union

Heavy Engineering Committee. Russian Union of Heavy Engineers 
tel.: +7 (904) 362-55-83
Discussion room
hall 3

Roundtable of Non-Ferrous Rolled Products Suppliers and Users

tel.: +7 (495) 925-05-49
Seminar room 4, hall 2

Awarding steel companies, enterprises, and institutions Metal-Expo gold and silver medals for:
- High-tech Solutions to Equipment, Technologies, and Ferrous and Non-ferrous Products Manufacture
- The Best Solution to Implementation of Steel and Aluminium in Construction
- The Best Scientific Publication in Steel Industry

The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation / Metal-Expo 
tel.: +7 (495) 734-99-66
Meeting room,
hall 8

13 November 2021 Saturday

Metal-Expo’2021 working hrs

tel.: +7 (495) 734-99-66
Halls 2, 3, 8

Roundtable for Marketing Professionals from Steel and Metal Trading Companies

tel.: +7 (495) 925-05-49
Discussion room
hall 8

Future is Determined Today, Summit of Postgraduates of Technical Institutions;
Awarding Winners of Competition Among Young Scientists

GUU / MISiS / MGTU / Metallurgmash / Metal-Expo 
tel.: +7 (495) 734-99-66
Discussion room
hall 3

Roundtable of Galvanized and Coated Rolled Products Producers (sandwich panels, sheet metal, metal roofing and other profiles)

tel.: +7 (495) 925-05-49 / tel.:+7 (495) 744-02-63
Meeting room
hall 8

Corporate Communication in the Russian and the CIS Steel Industries’2021, Conference; awarding winners of Competition for The Best Corporate Publication in the Steel Industry’2021

RUMSS / Metal-Expo 
tel.: +7 (495) 734-99-22 / tel.: +7 (495) 734-99-66
Seminar room 4, hall 2

Awarding winners of contest for The Best Internet-Project 2021 among Russian and the CIS Steel Producers and Traders

tel.: +7 (495) 925-05-49
Discussion room
hall 8

Metalland, Intellectual brain-ring game

tel: +7 (846) 270-48-16
Seminar room 3, hall 2

Awarding winners of Metal-Expo'2021 in nomination for The Best Exposition

The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation / Metal-Expo 
tel.: +7 (495) 734-99-66
Blue Hall
Hall 2

Official closing of Metal-Expo'2021

tel.: +7 (495) 734-99-66
Halls 2, 3, 8
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